1. Ship Management Offices
With offices in Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Italy, Norway, Singapore, China and Saudi Arabia, and representatives in Japan and Korea, CSM has steadily established a network in strategic locations. This enables us to service our partners within similar time zones as well as provide a global high level support to our fleet and crew while adapting the strategies locally.
2. Crewing Agencies Network
Our people are our greatest asset and responsibility. We have established our own crewing agencies in areas with a significant tradition and impact in the seafarer’s recruitment process; this local presence not only assures Columbia of highly qualified and loyal crew, but also enables greater emphasis on training and career development. Columbia is proud to have a long and well-established history with “owned” crewing agencies across 3 continents.
3. Training Centres and Programmes
Seafarers play a vital role in operating our fleet and we place great emphasis on their training and skills development. We recognise the importance of educating our own seafarers and in addition to mandatory training, have also developed client and company specific crew training programmes in our own training state-of-the-art facilities.
Ship Management Offices
Columbia Shipmanagement, Limassol, Cyprus
Columbia Shipmanagement, Hamburg, Germany
Columbia Shipmanagement, Singapore
Columbia Shipmanagement, Genoa, Italy
Columbia Shipmanagement, Shanghai, China
Stödig Ship Management, Bergen, Norway
Columbia Shipmanagement Saudi, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Columbia Shipmanagement Greece, Athens, Greece
Sea World Management – CSM Monaco, Monaco
Columbia Cruise Services. Hamburg, Germany
Columbia Cruise Services, Limassol, Cyprus
Tsakos Columbia Shipmanagement, Athens, Greece
Asia Marine Philippines, Limassol, Cyprus
CSM Energy, Limassol, Cyprus
Crewing Agency Network
Columbia Cruise Services, Hamburg, Germany
Columbia Shipmanagement – Doehle Manning Agents, Gdynia, Poland
Columbia Shipmanagement, Rijeka, Croatia
Columbia Shipmanagement, Riga, Latvia
Columbia Shipmanagement, Odessa, Ukraine
Stödig Ship Management SRL
Constanza, Romania
Columbia Shipmanagement, St. Petersburg, Russia
Columbia Shipmanagment, Novorossiysk, Russia
Columbia Shipmanagement, Batumi, Georgia
Columbia Crewing Services, Shanghai, China
Columbia Cruise Services, Southampton, UK
Career Philippines, Shipmanagement, Manila, Philippines
Senator Crewing , Manila, Philippines
East West Navigation, Tokyo, Japan
Training Centres
Greece (Maria Tsakos TCM Academy)
Philippines (United Marine Training Centre)
Philippines (European Training and Competence Centre)
Philippines (Maritime Consultancy and Training Centre)
Philippines (Career Shipmanagement Philippines)
Ukraine (Kherson Maritime Training Centre)
China (SNIMI Maritime Training Centre)